Partner LogosAny vector format: AI, PDF, SVG, EPS, CDR. All color spaces: RGB, CMYK. It is preferable to attach a brand book.
AdvertisementsAcceptable formats: AI, PDF, EPS, JPG or TIF (300 dpi). A4 vertical size (210×297 mm). 5 mm bleeds.
Web Banners1160×116 px for desktop. And 300×120 px (preferable ×2: 600×240 px) for mobile.
PresentationsThe optimal size is 16:9 and pdf-format. For PowerPoint format with effects, non-standard (including branded) fonts and videos — check the file on the stage. KeyNote presentation is not acceptable.
VideoAny format, preferably FullHD (1920×1080 px).
Mobile Booth Technical RequirementsDownloadLogos of ato comm & mark commDownload